Saturday, January 8, 2011

It was inevitable really ....

For a Christmas gift this year I was given some perfume that smells like industrial solvent, so I consoled myself by taking a detour to my nearest David Jones store (which isn't anywhere near my home) during the post-Christmas shopping period. Why David Jones? I had seen gift sets of Idylle fragrance by Guerlain there in the run-up to Christmas, which I thought had been quite good value. I had also enjoyed sniffing some other classy scents while I was there. Balenciaga Paris was prominently displayed at DJ's, in it's plain looking bottle. I have wanted to have a fragrance with violet notes for a long time, and this is a scent that seems to be coming back into fashion. There is nothing in this world like the smell of a real violet that is really scented. It is a pity they are such tiny flowers. With violets, I've found that colour doesn't matter - I've smelt a white violet that was even more divine than any mauve one that I've sniffed. Balenciaga Paris has a strong element of violet, and it is a classy scent, but it still doesn't beat any of my favourite Guerlain fragrances. So my focus on that Idylle gift set persisted. During my January visit I found one lonely set remaining on display. It had been reduced by fifty bucks. It was mine! Happy New Year! I now look like an old hag, but I smell like a million dollars, and so does daughter.